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Depot Se Caught N4 Ty In
THE number of depot breakins has risen alarmingly over the past year, and having a guard on duty at night is no longer the deterrent it once was. Now there are gangs of thieves......
Fleetlifte Hot Et*
LEYLAND Fleetline buses have run into trouble once more, this time with the South Yorkshire PTE. South Yorkshire ordered 85 Fleetlines from Leyland in 1971 for delivery in 1974......
Aph To Km/h Delay
ZANS - PORT Minister William Rodgers is not rushing lead with metrication on the roads. "There is no question of a change for a long time," he, id in the Commons last week,......
Erf Sales Pay Off
A NEW financial package has been announced by ERF to coincide with the publication of profit levels that have soared from £720,000 to £1,640,000 for the first six months of the......
Wes Tm Step Haul
WITH A muttered "Excusez-rnoi John Silkin, Britain's Minister of Agriculture. Fisheries and Food, will slip away from his colleagues in Brussels. "House of Commons business" he......