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This Is The Sand Of Silence...
A ROAD CONSTRUCTION worker digs sand away from a dune fence for maintenance adjacent to a completed stage of the Trans-Sahara Highway through Mauritania. Once finished, this......
Haulage Firm Fights To Stay Afloat
BEAMISH TRANSPORT. one of the north-east's most recognisable haulage firms, has been forced to reassure creditors it is not in liquidation and continues to trade. However, it......
Ringing Chang
The ban on hand-held mobiles comes into forc two weeks. After 1 Dec( users face fines up to £ Read about hands-free options in next week's C......
Fta Calls
The Freight Transport Association has urged t government to comm4 t meeting its 2006 introdu date for Lorry Road Use Charging (LRUC) in its pre-Budget submission. also calls for......
Jam Thinner
Hull Access, a £425m n scheme on the A1033, !opened. It will cut conge on the road, which carri€ 34,300 vehicles a day.......
Posting Profit
Business Posts financial performance rose in the half-year to 30 SeptembE Turnover rose by 7% to £63m, while operating pr increased by 16% to......
Witnesses Soug
Police are seeking witneE to a crash at Northolt, London, in the early hour: Thursday 13 November, i which trucker Paul Wizik Drivers of two BMWs hay been arrested and bailed......
Trimming Down
Northern Foods is thinkinc of selling NFT Distribution focus on its core busines; After a disappointing year analysts have criticised th company's portfolio as be "too broad".......