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1,000th Routemaster For London Transport
rIVER 300 guests attended a luncheon ‘-o f to mark the official handing-over of the 1,r000th Routemaster double-decker to London Transport at the Southall works of A.E.C., Ltd.,......
T.r.t.a. President Warns Of Dangers Of Complacency
A WARNING that complacency on the t't part of operators of C licence vehicles was dangerous was issued by the president of the Traders Road Transport Association, Mr. K. C......
Hauliers Fined For Licence Offences
A LFRETON magistrates last week imposed fines which, with advocate's fees, totalled over £100, on four 'local haulage contractors and a driver for licence and records offences.......
Fiata Discuss Es Co-ordination
.A PERMANENT secretariat of the I -1 International Federation of Forwarding Agents' Associations is to be set up in Geneva, it was decided at the FIATA world congress which......
Sir William And Finances
R EFERNCE to the institute's first Ir. 'E financial loss in its history was made by Sir William Black, president, at the sixteenth annual general meeting of The Institute of......
Aided And Abetted Eric Chadwick, Of Granby Street....
fined £1 10s. on each of 11 charges of aiding and abetting Richardson. He pleaded guilty and was ordered to pay three guineas advocate's fee. George Maurice • Pegg, of Alfreton......