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Anti-lock Use And Artic Brakes
REFERENCE to problems with anti-lock braking systems in your "Engineer's Notebook" series recently are hardly surprising. These questions have been raised many times before and......
Can I Get My Hgv Licence Back?
I AM an owner-driver running a Mercedes 1617 rigid. In April of this year I suffered a mild heart attack and have been off the road since I have been employing a driver but I......
May We Remind Correspondents That Although We Shorten...
on letters published (for instance omitting the street name and house number) these must be given to us in order to establish good faith. Furthermore, although we appreciate a......
We Are Very Sorry To Hear Of Your Illness And
trust that you are now well on the way to recovery. We have obtained the following advice: The law concerning the illnesses which debar a person from holding a heavy goods......