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Business Moves
COWIE INTERLEASING GOES NORTH • Cowie 1nterleasing is relocating its operations centre in Sevenoaks to Birmingham from 1 October to avoid escalating costs in the South-East. The......
LUCAS AID MINUTE MAN • The Lucas Minute Man Award is introduced at the Lucas International Truckprix at Brands Hatch, 29-30 September. Favourites to crack the 60-second lap......
KIT SAMPLES OIL • Anticip-8 is a commercial vehicle monitoring service launched by BP, after trials with operators. Users are issued with a kit to take eight oil samples from......
SHORTCUTS • Eleven short courses in traffic management and related topics are offered by PTRC Education and Research Services, based in Hanunersmith, West London. Contact......
CIT HANDBOOK • The 1990/1991 edition of the Chartered Institute of Transport's Membership and Education Handbook is published at £3.50. It includes full details of CIT......
ALL WASHED OUT • A new portable cleaner from Warwick, the W-105, is claimed to be a three-in-one tool: high-pressure washer; vacuum cleaner and water pump. It is small and light......