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Business Moves
RUBERY OWEN GOES IRISH • Rubery Owen-Rockwell has set up a new company in the Republic of Ireland. RO-R (Ireland) is based at: Newhall, Naas, Co Kildare, phone (045)......
Forward Into Mix ▪ International Express, The Brentwood,...
forwarding group, has appointed forwarder Jacky Maeber as its agent in Italy. Milan-based Jacky Maeder has branches and depots at Como, Florence, Genoa, Bologna, Modena, Naples,......
Carriers Go Dutch • Ibl Carriers Of Hull Has Revamped
its agency in the Netherlands with two new offices: IBC Europa, Reeweg 24, Rotterdam; and Transportzone, Koggestraat, Zeebrugge. Rotterdam-based Anton Filippo is general......
SCANIA OPENS IN STOKE-ON-TRENT • A Keltruck Scania dealership is opening in Stoke-onTrent. The depot, at Winghay Close, off Chemical Lane, will offer truck sales, parts and......
Man-vw For Teesside • Cleveland Truck And Van Centre Is
opening in Hartlepool as MAN Volkswagen dealer for Teesside. Contact the manager Malcolm Ward on (0429) 265861.......
Hereford Opening • Euro Car And Commercial Has Opened A
Mercedes-Benz dealership in Callow, Hereford, covering Herefordshire and Worcester. The site is on the A49, 5Iun from the city centre. Contact manager Des Evans on (0432)......
GM LAUNCHES NEXT DAY DELIVERY • General Motors Service Parts Operations is starting a next-day delivery service for "top priority" orders to Bedford van dealers. Contact David......
Tnt Flies Into Rome • Tnt Ovemite Air Express Has
introduced a next-day delivery service into Rome as part of its European air express network operations. Based in Rome, the jet will fly each night to Milan and on to Germany......
SHELL SHELLS OUT • Shell is offering truck drivers a range of products when they buy diesel or lubricants. Drivers are awarded points for each 26 they spend: 300 points and 235......
TALKING 11,INNELS • Commercial Motor's sister publication Railway Gazette International is co-organiser of a two-day Channel Tunnel conference to be held at the Cumberland......
Express Parcels Conference • Express Parcels — The Next Five
years, will be the opening paper, by former Department of Transport road transport division chief Reg Dawson, at a conference next month. ExPress Parcels — a changing world will......
Automotive Symposium In Florence • The 18th International...
automotive technology and automation will be held in Florence from 30 May to 3 June on the theme Mechatronics — use of electronics for product design, testing, engineering and......
Fta Tours With Law Changes Update • The Freight Transport
Association is launching a series of one-day seminars aimed at keeping operators abreast of legislative changes. The subjects covered include: proposed changes to driver......
N EW EXPORT SCHEME • HM Customs and Excise has changed the documentation used for the Retail Export Scheme. Properly drawn up invoices may now be used as an alternative to forms......