21st August 1936, Page 37
21st August 1936
Page 37
Page 37, 21st August 1936
Ferguson Tractor Tested.
A convincing demonstration of the utility and simplicity of operation of the Ferguson tractor (described on pages 42 and 43) was given on Wednesday afternoon. Although many......
Municipal Purchases And Proposals
Exeter Town Council invites tenders for two 2-ton petrol lorries; tenders close on Angust 27. Douglas (I.o.M.) Corporation is to purchase a 34on low-loading lorry for the......
Tenders Of Interest To Hauliers
✓ rIE.N . DEG3 are invited for the following -I(latest dates given in parentheses) :— stoke-on-Trent T.C. for miscellaneous supplies, including Lei macadam and chippings; (i)......