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G. E. Brown, previously director and general manager of Norman Commercial Vehicles Ltd. has been appointed general manager of Stewart and Ardern's commercial vehicle division at......
La's 'get In Line' Warnini
• No action was taken against W. Groom Transport Ltd, of Birmingham, called before the West Midland LA, Mr .1. Else, under Section 69 of the 1968 Transport Act last week.......
0-licence Applicant 'learned Lesson'
• Although a Bilston demolition contractor stated on an _ 0-licence application form that he had never been prosecuted it was discovered, following an objection to the......
Next Week
In our next issue we take dust-covers the Leyland Terrier Range and Scammell Samson for a pre-Show la • At Eastbourne the Municil Passenger Transport Association will taking a......