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Forklifts Buyers Guide
If you're considering investing in a forklift truck, don't be put off when the dealer suggests visiting your site—in fact you should insist on it. A forklift truck which "seems......
• Bt Rolatrue This Pim Single Column On-board Stacker Is
manoeuvrable and can work on tail-lifts. Baxter Healthcare uses this one-man delivery system with Euro pallets to eliminate manual handling and reduce the risk of injuries. The......
• Mitsubishi/hamech This Two-tonne, Three-wheel Electric...
the horsepower of most rivals and uses an advanced electronic processor to increase productivity while protecting the truck against abuse, says Mitsubishi. Unlike its rivals.......
• Mitsubishi The Fd100 Is A 10-tonne Diesel Forklift From
Mitsubishi which has several fuel economy and environmentally friendly features. A tough six-cylinder in-line diesel engine gives high power, last travel and lift speeds with......
• Atlet Atlet's High - Performance Uns Electric Reach...
of up to two tonnes and lift heights up to 10.8m, is designed to eliminate repetitive strain injuries to its drivers. Its luxury seat incorporates a ministeering wheel and......