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Is Olympia Large Enough?
The Editor, " THE COMMERCIAL MOTOR." Sir :-On the question of separate shows for commercial and private passenger cars, we are very strongly of opinion that the time has come to......
The Unemployed And The Roads.
The Editor, " THE COMMERCIAL MoToa." Sir :--Two of the most important social problems of to-day are-(i) The improvement of the means of internal communication; and (2) The......
More Appreciations Of Our First Volume.
The Editor, "THE CON1MERCIAL MOTOR." Sir,-We are in receipt of bound volume of " THE COMMERCIAL MOTOR," for which we are much obliged. We find it a publication which, for......
Fresh Vans On Order.
The Editor, " THE COMMERCIAL MOTOR." Sir :--We have recently been giving one of our two motor vans (of the to-12h.p. two-cylinder type) a test for a stated period. This covers......