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Praise And Criticism For Highway Code Proposals
['HE GREEN PAPER conaining the proposed new -lighway Code (CM' Jan 31) vhich was circulated to nterested parties for :omment, has evoked Ilmost equal measures of :riticism and......
Draft Tanker Regulations May Need Revising
)RAFT regulations on the ;onveyance by road of nflammable and corrosive iquids, which may become aw this year, would con:ribute little to the safety of 3ritain's roads and would......
£300,000 Depot In Hull
4 f 300,000 commercial vehicle service depot was Dpened last week in Hedon Road, Hull, by Lex Tillotson. The depot has Leyland Blueline (Leyland, Albion and AEC) and Guy and......
Scots Show
THE Scottish Materials Handling Exhibition will be held this year in Kelvin Hall, Glasgow, from May 19 to 24. The organizer is Turret Press Ltd (Exhibition Division), 886 High......