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Nccs Promoter Four
Philip Biddlecombe Graham Lyall Les Snelsen NATIONAL CARRIERS Contract Services has made four promotions; two are directorships and two in the fleet engineering departments.......
Kay Departs Pte
NORMAN KAY, South Yorkshire PTE's director-general, has retired after 11 years' service. Norman Kay was responsible for SYPTE when it increased the number of passengers carried......
WE RECORD with regret the deaths of Jack Sankey, engineering manager with United Glass road transport subsidiary United Distribution Services, and Donald Boxall, past general......
Atkinson For Brs Midlands
RALPH ATKINSON has been promoted to branch engineer at BRS Midlands' Mortons branch in Coventry. He will be responsible for supervising all internal and external engineering......
Jim Beckers Has Joined Craven Tasker As North-east...
He is a qualified mechanical engineer and has six years' experience in selling cars and light commercial vehicles. Mr Beckers will operate from the company's Cumbernauld......
Bds's Team
BAR DELIVERY Services, the jointly owned Whitbread/BRS Southern brewery distribution company, has taken on two operations managers. Peter Smith takes up the post at BDS's......