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More Can Be Squeezed Out Of Drawbars
As the law stands drawbar potential cannot be fully exploited John Dalzell looks at this aspect of operation WITH the trend towards payload being limited by bulk rather than......
Electro-magnetic Yoke
THE Y-6 ELECTRO-magnetic yoke from Magnaflux of Swindon finds surface cracks instantly in ferrous materials and is suitable for testing engine blocks, suspension components and......
A Cushy New Method
A TIME-SAVING method of securing cargoes in containers and road vehicles using a range of inflatable "dunnage" bags has been produced by Safex Equipment Limited of Warlingham,......
New Wheel Takes Off
BRIMEC (UK), manufacturer of hydraulic car recovery systems, has introduced a wheel to increase the payloads of its Towlift system. The Towlift operates hydraulically, lowering......