21st June 1963, Page 7
21st June 1963
Page 7

Page 7, 21st June 1963
Higher Night-duty And Subsistence Rates For Haulage Workers
FROM OUR INDUSTRIAL CORRESPONDENT A N extra 3d. an hour (from 8d. to 11d.) on night-duty rates for work between 7 p.m. and 6 a.m, and an extra 2s. a night (from 18s. to 20s). on......
T.r.t.a.'s Task In Licensing Inquiry
IF the rail closures in North Devon pro posed in the Beeching Report are fully implemented there will be an urgent need for the development and improvement of the road system in......
Vehicle Noise Limits Will Be Reduced After Three Years
A NEW set of draft regulations aimed at the prevention of excessive noise from motor vehicles has been circulated to interested organizations by the Minister of Transport. These......