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Post Office Still Backing Ldoy
I AM WRITING in response to the article by The Hawk entitled "Union scandal" (Bird's eye view, May 31). The item stated that because of "outrageous demands" by the Union of......
Mark Hall's Hallmark
WITH a keen sense of timing, Mr Editor, you included the report of TUC boss Mark Hall's address on the Employment Bill in the same issue as the one in which Hawk gave such a......
What A Way To Run The A13!
CHAOTIC conditions exist on some major Essex roads at the best of times, and the A l 3 route linking the Essex approach to the Dartford tunnel is no exception. It therefore......
Cb As Evil As Lady Hitchers?
HAVING read your recent editorial on the subject of CB radio I feel compelled to advise you that during my 18 years as a commercial motorist I have never read such arrant......