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Ci The Made-up-textiles Association Has Published Its...
Buyers Guide. Copies cost £12 and can be obtained from the Secretary. MUTA, 148 Nethergate, Dundee. DD1 4EA. Tel: 0382 25881. Fax: 0382 23584. 1: Global Environment Services has......
Smooth Movers
• Southport-based JamesCocker & Sons has developed a range of fully aerodynamic bodywork. all based on Freighter and Cargo chassis. The body systems, designed by AS& A combines......
No Twist Brick Lifter
• A new brick carrying trailer built by Montracon in conjunction with AtlasWeyhausen and Tyrone Brick uses a sliding crane mounted with outriggers to eliminate chassis twist.......
Transporter For Race Days Of Ca
transporters on the scene include three-car non-HGV and five-car models from Transport and Trailer Engineering of Hemel Hempstead and a doubledecker two-car version from......
Ii Smith Is Keeping It Quiet On Locations
I A Volvo F L611 I I-tonne igid, equipped by A Smith Great Bentley) for Film and EV Services embodies the atest design of sound-proofed onstruction to cope with the ioise of its......
Lysander Ceases Trading
• Specialist trailer manufacturer Lysander Engineering of Wrexham has ceased trading and is calling a meeting of creditors with a view to going into liquidation. Liquidation and......
Low-cost Tankers
••Ihree 30,000-litre stainless steel tankers built by Clayton Commercials of Burscough for Tankfreight have been designed to reduce maintenance costs. The tanks which are built......