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Fleetlines For Aberdeen And Bradford
'TWO more municipal transport under-1takings are to introduce Daimler Fleet line double-deckers. Aberdeen, which already operates some 180 Daimlers, has ordered 12 Flee!lines,......
Reading Misses One Bus In Three C Rews Are Quitting The
service of Reading Corporation Transport at such an alarming rate that one bus in every three is being put out of service. This was stated at the council meeting last week when......
New Charley Bus Station: Improved Facilities For Both...
staff are features of a new bus station at Chorley, Lanes, officially opened last week by Mr. C. R. Hodgson. chairman of the North Western Traffic •Commissioners, on behalf of......
Company Men Awarded Rear-engin(
THEIR 15s. 'THREE of the five claims for improved I. wages and conditions demanded by company busmen have been conceded by the special Committee of Inquiry, set up by Mr. Ray......
"with Such Exceptionally Little Noise
VV and excellent comfort, the Corporation would rekindle enthusiasm for public transport and make it a real relaxation to travel by bus." So wrote one of the passengers who......