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Confidence In Postal Ballots
DOUGLAS AINLEY should also have drawn attention to the importance of up-to-date records of members in his article on trade union reform in CM, March 19. This is a vital point......
Getting The Bird
I REFER to the page of comment by the Hawk in CM, April 30 in which he attacks Nalgo and others for seeking to protect the jobs of their members in local government. How......
Talents Lodged With Me Useless
I AM WRITING to say that I agree wholeheartedly with your editorial in CMApril 23, 1983, with reference to the Manpower report stating that there is a shortage of skilled people......
Antilock Brakes Standard At Cf
WE were very interested to read Graham Montgomerie's penetrating article on trailer conversions in your April 23 issue. There is, however, one area we would like to clarify and......