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No Charge For A, B, C Variations
• Under the new regulations governing fees for carriers' licences, no charge will be made for variations, short-term licences and so on. From the date that the regulations take......
Fta Lambasts Parking And Quota Bans
• Reconciliation of the needs of transport and amenity would be one of the great problems of the second half of the 20th century, Mr. G. F. Page, president of the Freight......
Safer Loads For Liverpool?
• Greater safety in the carrying of dangerous loads, such as sodium cyanide, is to be sought by Liverpool Corporation whose development and reconstruction committee has asked......
Operating Costs Tables
A second printing of the 1969 edition of Commercial Motor Tables of Operating Costs has now been made. Copies are obtainable, price 7s including postage, from Sales Department,......
New Ta Members • Two Companies Lately Admitted To Membership
of the Transport Association are Herbert Davis and Sons Ltd., 6, Station Road, Gloucester, and "Dor-to-Dor" Carriers IBrighton) Ltd., Davey's Lane, Lewes. Sussex.......
0-licensing Dates Set
• The Transport Act 1968 (Commencement No. 3 Order), 1969 which came into effect yesterday introduces those sections of Part V of the Act which are necessary for the......
Car To H.g.v.
• Thirty-eight drivers whose ages range from 21 to 53 and whose occupations range from furniture porters to garage fitters have passed the h.g.v. driving test after undergoing......
'pm Devalued Transport'
• The Prime Minister is said by the British Road Federation to have devalued transport by excluding the new Minister of Transport, Mr. Fred Mulley. from the Cabinet. In its......