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Lt: Lords To Decide
HREE DAYS have been set aside next week for the House of Lords o consider the Greater London Council's appeal against the Appeal :ourt's judgement that its fares subsidy to......
Bus Travel Link Up
HOT ON the heels of the a nouncement of a joint Natior Express Trathens express coa tie up National Holidays, the E tended tour National Bi operator, has announced that is......
Lothian's Parking Worry
OCAL AUTHORITIES should be given power to fix the starting and inishing points for new express bus services being operated by rrivate enterprise. This was said last week by......
Bus Objectors Lose Out
DESPITE appeals by several operators against the granting of stai carriage licences to Trefaldwyn Motors Ltd, Transport Secretai David Howell upheld the decision of the North......