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Better Economy Coming
FUEL consumption on light vans will be reduced by 30 per tent in 10 years' time, according to Shell scientist Dr David Blackmore. Dr Blackmore is co-editor, with Dr Alun Thomas,......
Evening And Sunday Bus Services In England And Wales Could
be in jeopardy, National Bus Company chief executive Robert Brook has warned. This could be a major effect of the introduction of EEC Regulation 543/69, Mr Brook says. His......
Fowler To Reply
CONSERVATIVE shadow transport minister Norma Fowler has asked CM for the right to reply to the assertior contained in our editorial comment last week (CM Octob4 14) that the......
Allegations Of A Setlof British Road Servi4 General...
have been firmly denied by company this week. The charges were le4 at the company by UniI Road Transport Union geriE secretary Jackson Moore his union paper, Wheels. He accused......