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Study Backs Regioni Traffic Areas
• The review of Traffic Area Offices will crush any Government hopes of turning them into an executive agency, says the National Union of Civil and Public Servants. The union......
Vi Unveils Its Test Plan
11 The Vehicle Inspectorate is )oised to bring in a package of - iew working practices which it lopes will beat the test backlog aroblem (see CM 7-13 Sept). The measures, which......
Ban Bust Is Temporary
I Blue Circle is being forced to continue operating in London vith temporary permits, despite winning its appeal against the nandatory fitting of air brake silencers under......
Steyr Awaits Man Plan
• The future for Steyr Trucks in Britain looks grim following the news that the German manufacturer MAN has acquired an 80% share of the Austrian truck builder (see page 22). So......
Cab Fear At Length Limit
• Transport union leaders are pressing the government to tighten up legislation on vehicle lengths, following the announcement last week that the maximum length for articulated......