22nd April 1955, Page 53
22nd April 1955
Page 53

Page 53, 22nd April 1955
One-man Buses The Answer
T HE solution of many of the problems facing public transport operators lies in the use of oneman-operated buses. Apart from the lqwer operating cost of this type of vehicle, as......
Cheshire Unit Goes To
London Hauliers T HIRTY-NINE lorries and 11 trailers based at Lostock Gralam, near Northwich, have been licensed to Harris Road Services, Ltd., Plantation House, Fenchurch......
New Transport Companies
S. W. Bowler Ltd. Can: LIMO. Dire : Stanley W. B owle 4 s and Mrs. Cynthia NI. Bowles. Pound Conan, Penylan Road. Llandough. Penarth. Sec.: Cynthia M. Bowles. Reg. office: Pound......