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Lord Nuffield Institut Memorial To Lord Austin
L AST week Lord Nnffield inau g urated an appeal for the creation of a motor-trade memorial•to the late Li:rd. Austin, and started the fund with a tersonal contribution of......
A S Is Well Known, The Ministry Of War Transport Ori G...
arranged a manufacturin g pro g ramme of 1,500 double-deck . buses. This was intended to cower the period n i p 1942, _but it is q uestionable whether this number of vehicles......
Motor Industry Raises £190,000 For Fighters • 'the...
I. Fi g hter Fund, 58, Gordon S q uai London, W.C.1, is g lad to annotrict. that, as a . result of what are termed " two magnificent contributions," the Fund has " gone over'......
Docnrlabour Stalemate Unrelieved
G LASGOW `dockers are still virtually opposed to the Government zonin g scheme for the allocation of dock laboin-, The condition of stalemate was unrelieved by a conference,......