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0-licence Lost A Poor Maintenance Record Has Led To The
revocation of the 0-licence held by Aberdeen-based Bruce Mackland. At an Aberdeen disciplinary inquiry Mackland told Scottish TC Michael Betts that his intention was to apply......
Fresh Licence Didnes-based Gusslon Fransport, Whose...
December because of speed limiter and tachograph offences. has :iucceeded in winning a fresh icence. North Western TC 3everley Bell was satisfied Nith the company's new......
Appeal Lost Lochester-based Ftm 3pecialist Services Has...
against the withdrawal if its licence as a consequence If non-payment of fees by its bailee director; who was on cave of absence. The TransHirt Tribunal concluded that he......
Revocation Upheld Lie Revocation Of The Licence Ieid By...
tichard Barber, trading as J&R Lutes (Haulage), because of his allure to answer letters from he Western Traffic Area Office as been upheld by the *ransport Tribunal. Barber......
Finance Houses Get A Final Warning About Impounding
A Traffic Commissioner has yet again warned 'inance houses that they must get their act together over impounding legislation—or face losing their trucks. Although West Midland......
Driver Awarded £22 In Back Pay
A Glasgow employment tribunal has upheld a firm's right to reclaim overpayments from its employees without their permission, but still awarded a driver £22 in back pay. David......