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"ribunal Dismisses Appeal Giainst East Anglian Grant
Transport Tribunal in London week dismissed an appeal by ulage firms against the granting licence to East Anglian Carriers, London and Bury St. Edmunds. nce was in respect of a......
New Co
mpanies Motor Transport Co., Ltd. Cap. £5,000. Abbotts. Elm Court, Sutton Road, . G. Abbotts. 15 Queens Road, Walsall. . Abbotts. Reg. office: 15 Queens Road, Ito (Redruth),......
Appeal Adjourned
A N appeal by Mr. E. J. C. Lytham, 1 - 1 trading as Lytham Bros., of Quarry Road, Stoneycroft, Liverpool, against a decision of the North Western Licensing Authority was......
. Appellant Absent
NAR. C. E. CORBY, trading as Corby lvi Transport, 59 Vicarage Road, Sunbury-on-Thames, had his appeal dismissed by the Transport Tribunal in London last week because he failed......