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Hauliers Not Treated Fairly
A " appeal for fairer treatmen t . for road haulage by the Government was made by Mr. L R. Robson, chairman of the Southern Area of the Road Haulage Association; at the area's......
Dormobile Conversions For Vauxhalls Conversions Of...
saloons (Cresta, Velox and Wyvern from 1952 onwards) into Dormobile estate cars may be carried out by Martin Walter, Ltd., Utilecon Works, Folkestone, without incurring pm -......
Micrograms . .
Forth Bridge: Work on the Forth road bridge will begin in the spring of next year. 19S8 Show: In 1958 there will be a Mechanical Handling Exhibition and Convention at Earls......
Licence Anomalies Removed
S ECTION 17 of the Road Traffic Act, 1956, which comes into operation on March 1, removes certain anomalies in relation to the granting of licences to drive particular groups of......