22nd January 1943, Page 25
22nd January 1943
Page 25

Page 25, 22nd January 1943
Hauliers Mutual Federation Progresses
S UBSEQUENT to the proceedings of the Hauliers Mutual Federation at the meeting reported in our last week's issue, the question was put, should 'a new association on the lines......
L.t.a. Lodges Complaint Against A.r.o.
T HE Lincolnshire Transport Association, the headquarters Of which are in 'Lincoln, has complained to the National Road Transport Employers' Federation with reference to a......
"industry Being Denuded Of Reliable Drivers"
A LEEDS lorry driver who, when due to begin .a journey with a load of war material, used the vehicle to take members of his family on a Sunday outing, was, as a result, recently......