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Industry News
Shires Abel to go in style • A £90,000 luxury horse box, built by Oakley Coachbuilders, is now in service with East Anglian removals, storage and distribution specialist AbeIs,......
Tanks Line Up To Stop Corrosion
• A number of toxic-liquid carriers are now using Lithgow Saekaphen's special tank linings to combat internal corrosion. A S Jones, part of the P&O Roadtanks Group. has added a......
Birch Goes For Bolts
• An unusual 56m 1 powder tanker developed jointly by British Alcan and Sutton Bridge-based Metalair, and built on an all-aluminium frame has been added to the fleet of......
Dead Certain
• David MacKrill Engineering is offering a deadman type of hydraulic control for its rearend Skiploader in place of the current electronic push-button arrangement. This option,......
Better Hucktainer
• Telford-based Huck-UK has improved its Hucktainer low profile fastener for GRP body panels. It now has a unique locking element for high clamp retention. Also incorporated is......