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Called Carrier, it is based upon the Trader computer system which covers general financial and administrative functions. It produces consignment notes, automatic price......
Soft Option • A Software Package Designed To Calculate The
length and cost of journeys in Britain has been developed by Adrose Communications. The Charge Master runs on IBM and compatible PCs and costs £275 ex-VAT. Contact Adrose......
Drink And Drive On The Flat • Calypso Is The
name of a drinks holder for trucks which uses the ship's-compass principle to keep the cup upright. A floating tray moves with the vehicle, but the drink will not spill even on......
Moss Security • Audioline Has Launched A Range Of Vehicle...
Contact (0527) 584584.......
Skip Chains
• A new range of alloy skip chains and components manufactured to BS5750 are now available from Truckcare Cargo Aid, part of the Raymond R Bills group. Contact (0384) 423075.......
• SOUTH-EAST REGION MI London: Overnight closures of slip roads at J3-4 (Scratchwood/A41). M4 Berkshire: Off-peak restrictions on roundabout at J11. M25 Buckinghamshire:......