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Eec Oil Fund Plan
IAJOR Common Market transport projects could be financed by hie EEC taking a slice of tax revenue on fuels and oils, the European arliament has suggested. At present, the EEC......
Job Info
ICHOOL LEAVERS are being vooed into road transport by wo Careers and Occupational riformation Centre booklets on hiving and non-driving jobs on oad transport. They detail some......
Russett Is New Rha Head
THE ROAD Haulage Association man from the Western Area. He as vice-chairman since 1978, and Vice-chairman Bert Neely, of A. Neely Ltd, of Birmingham, is now senior......
IN future it will be easier for the Department of Transport to deal efficiently and clearly with certificates for type-approved goods vehicles which are altered in a way which......
Oil Wages
MOBIL's tanker drivers look set to accept an eight per cent deal, which will take their basic pay up to £126 a week from May 1, and Esso is taking steps to defuse any future......