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Tipper Licence Revoked
IGNORANCE if the law was the explanation given to the South Eastern Licensing Authority', Mr. H. J. Thom, at Southampton on Tuesday, when the Wessex Construction and Plant Hire......
'impudence' Says Labour Peer .
'THE Government's promis e to "encourage the provision of a modern transport system" took the first prize for impudence, declared Lord Peddie last week. He would be interested......
Smoking Progress A Sked By The Earl Of Gainsboroul In The
Lords this week how far tl 1962 C. and U. Regulation amendmen had been effective in reducing or elimii ating smoke emission from vehicle Lord Chesham, Joint Parliamentaj......
London Bus Inquiry
THE Government is setting' up a,con mittee of inquiry into London's IN services. Announcing this in ti Commons on Wednesday, Mr. loser Godber, Minister of Labour, said ti......
News In Brief
Three Granted: Three B - licensed vans with 70-mile operating 'radius were granted to H. Cornick and Son.Ltd. by the South Eastern Licensing Authority, Mr. II. J. Thom, at......
Optimism On Channel Tunnel
FROM OUR POLITICAL CORRESPONDENT TWO - GUINEAS a ton. This—the I' average cost Of hauling freight through a Channel tunnel—was triumphantly, put to M.P.'s this week at aprivate......