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• Spare A Thought For Hapless Driver Cyril Milner Who,
on his first day at the wheel of his new boss's artic, neglected to apply the handbrake when picking up a load. Milner bravely leapt aboard to try and restrain the errant......
• With The Festive Season Fast Approaching, Many Of You
will be in the process of organising your personalised Christmas cards for despatch to business contacts. You may care to note that cartoonist Chris Reynolds, who supplies......
• Gm's Roadtesters Have Yet To Get Their Hands On
one of Leyland's new '300' series-engined Roadrunners, but judging by the comments of Leyland Truck Distributors' Association chairman Sam Newton, they have a treat in store.......
• American Tourists On High Speed Coach Tours Sur Le
Continent will be pleased to hear that next year every EEC border crossing is to be graced by a sign, telling lost travellers which country they are about to enter.......
• A Trip To The Village Green Firework Display Seemed
just the job for a four-wheel-drive vehicle we have on test. So our youngest road tester loaded the vehicle with grandmother, wife, and friends, with no fear of the muddy verges......
• Somehow One Does Not Associate The Rootin' Tootin'...
industry with teddy bears. Yet following last week's tale of Lex Wilkinson and the talking transatlantic teddies comes news of a six metre ursine plaything which has been......
• Yet Another Animal Story, I Fear, This Time Concerning
not the noble moose but the common or garden household tabby. More accurately, tabbies for its the plural that's at the nub of the matter for forklift manufacturer Lansing......