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Jnbecoming Jehaviour
HE COMMERCIAL truck usiness has a reputation for eing stuck in the Stone Age with ..gard to its attitude to women. his reputation is, in the main, ndeserved. but isn't helped by......
:tarred E-mail
'HANK YOU for publishing my tter (Beware the DIY approach 1 , reclaiming VAT, CM 1 lovember). I hope it will be elpful to some of your readers. lowever, I made an error in the......
(eynes Mystery
THEY SAY YOU wait ages for a ius and then two turn up. Ashton Ceynes was a place I had never ieard of. But then, to and behold, t turned up twice in two unconiected references......
Alternative Fuels Are Positive
I READ WITH interest the story regarding Waitrose using rapeseed oil in their trucks for a trial period (CM 15 November). I think it's a cracking idea to use a sustainable......
Was The Relaunch Of Tipcon Really Inspired By The Success...
I WAS SURPRISED to see the article in Commercial Motor (18 November) with regard to the relaunch of TipCon at the Commercial Vehicle Show next year. The original......