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Advertisements Regarding Positions Should Be Explicit
'THERE is another aspect to the matter which 'THERE J. Lewis, of Bolton, raises in his letter published in the issue of " The Commercial Motor" dated July 30. Employers should......
Further Views On Tramways Vour Correspondent, Mr. F:...
letter I appeared in your issue dated August 27 seems to have based his objections to tramways on standards at least 40 years old. Even so, these standards are not appreciably......
With Reference To The Tram And Bus Controversy, I "
think it hardly likely that such modern tramway systems as those in Blackpool, Leeds and Sheffield are retained merely from sentimental reasons. The example of the "Renown,"......
Refreshments For Coaching Parties P Rom Observations I...
at frequent intervals I recently in my capacity as a traveller by coach, I believe that a real need exists for better arrangements to be made to cater for coaching parties in......