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11 And 12
Bendix Ltd Douglas Road Kingswood Bristol Avon BS15 2NL Phone 0272 671881 Fax 0272 603296 Bendix is a primary supplier of trucks' air-brake equipment and anti-lock braking......
15 and 16 Gulf Oil (Great Britain) Ltd The Quadrangle Imperial Square Cheltenham Gloucestershire GL50 1TF Phone 0242 225225 Fax 0242 225365 In anticipation of demands, Gulf Oil......
17, 18, 19 And 20
Ocean Cory Tyre Co Ltd/Bandag Lamberhead Industrial Estate Leopold Street Pemberton Wigan WN5 8DH Phone 0942 214827 Telex 677374 BANDAG G Sales contact on stand Bill Horobin A......
Bear Automotive (UK) Mercers Row Cambridge Cambs Phone 0223 68660 Bear Automotive (UK) introduces to the British market a range of total-service diagnostic computers whose......
Motalink K Wones
22 Motalink Leafield Trading Estate Corsham Wiltshire SN13 9SU Phone 0225 810775 Telex 449580 Sales contact on stand David M Flint In order to keep your organisation profitable......
23 And 24
Rubery Owen-Rockwell Ltd 1/3 Cranford Court Hardwick Grange Woolston Warrington Cheshire WA1 4RY Phone 0925 823023 Telex 628056 ROR PAR Sales contact on stand D Collins and R......
• – N S R Interface Technologies Ltd
25 and 26 Interface Technologies 22 Chapel Lane Middlesex HAS lAZ Phone 01 429 1277 Telex 9413463 INTECH G Sales contacts on stand Paul Mortimer and Dave Morewood This year......