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Wins In A Lifetime
orcester truck driver David Yeomans is happy as a pig on a duvet having won £2.3m on the pools. Sticking to the same numbers for 18 years finally paid off. David's ambitions......
The Biggar The Better
ichard Cresswell proudly accepts the best livery award at the Biggar Veteran and Vintage Rally from Catherine Tuck, project marketing manager or competition sponsors Interlink......
New Law Threatens Truckles! New Law Threatens Truckles!
5 rockiest faces potential threat from the Criminal Justice Bill which becomes law this autumn. Under this act gatherings of more than six vehicles in which the occupants live......
Firing On All Cylinders
(der readers will remember that catchphra se by, I think, either Max Miller or Paddy Ashdown, that went, "Nice one Cyril!" It came to this aged mind when I learned that Cyril......
The Aid Gels Through Eaders May Recall How Feed The
Children saved itself 225,000 on its vehicle budget by refurbishing four exDutch army Dais for its aid work in Bosnia (CM 28 July). Now the vehicles are in Bosnia working hard......