23rd April 1929, Page 42
23rd April 1929
Page 42

Page 42, 23rd April 1929
The Budget " Concession " To Road • Transport.
rpHERE is very little of interest in the -IBudget so far as the commercial-vehicle industry is concerned. It had been hoped in many quarters that the heavy licence 'duties which......
Popularizing The Tractor.
A s• the motor vehicle for transport on the 11.roads has, to a large extent, superseded other media, so must the agricultural tractor attain a greater degree of popularity in......
Loose Leaves J J Ust As In Aeroplane Practice The General...
need for reducing head resistance to a minim - 1m, so in the future forward-control bus a compact engine, suited to the space available, will no doubt displace the ordinary......