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Hidden Costs Of Forklift Accidents
THERE ARE STILL 8,000 forklift truck accidents in the UK each year, with huge hidden costs to businesses, reveals training company The Resource Group. Speaking to a regional......
Too Few Shop Around For Cheaper Power
FEWER THAN HALF of small businesses bother to shop around for the cheapest energy suppliers, says, a new energy comparison site for the business market.......
Crimes Against Firms Are Rising
ARSON. MALICIOUS damage and forcible theft are on the increase with the number of crimes against businesses up by 10% year on year, according to the AXA Business Crime Index. It......
Leasing Is On The Increase
WHILE CASH FLOW is undoubtedly an issue for companies looking to reflect, finance providers are clashing over whether rental or leasing is proving more popular with operators.......
Some Positive Signs Amid The Gloom
WHILE ALL THE pundits seem to agree that we will remain in recession for the remainder of 2009, and unemployment will lag behind other indicators, the news isn't all bad... •......