23rd August 1957, Page 43
23rd August 1957
Page 43

Page 43, 23rd August 1957
Retractable Wheel-arch Land-rover Prices Body In...
COMMERCIAL production has now be g un of a refuse collector with barrier loadin g and retractable wheelarches, desi g ned by the city en g ineer and surveyor's department of......
P Rices Of Land-rover Vehicles Were Increased On Monday...
2+ per cent. The , followin g arc the new prices: 88-in, wheelbase: petrol-engined, £630; oilengined, £730; station wagon. petrol, £705 (£1,058 17s. including purchase tax);......
0.008 In. Bore Wear After 510,000 Miles.
W HEN a Leyland 0.600 9,8-litre en g ine was dismantled for the first time after coverin g 510,000 miles, it was found that the avera g e maximum cylinder-bore wear was 0.008......