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Drivers Asleep On The Job
SINCE "cabbing it" is back in vogue again, Mr Swingler (CM August 2) may be interested in one professional driver's views on it. During the Thirties arid Forties it was......
How Distribution Puts It About
IT IS OFTEN argued that the whole range of distribution salaries compares unfavourably with other functions. Whilst subscibing to the theory, there 3re some mitigating factors......
Camshaft Plan A Catch 22
THROUGH YOUR trade paper I would like to know from your readers if they have any Volvo 290F88 that have reached or passed 200,000 miles without having to have a new or rebuilt......
Why Is Britain Trailing Behind?
ABOUT THREE WEEKS after CM published a list of all the trailer makers in the UK, we found we needed an additional extendable trailer for a new contract. We did not want to lose......
No Sign Of Fly Scheme In Fifties
I FOUND CM's article (June 14) on the Volvo flywheel bus interesting. I was intrigued to read that this development which incorporated a power unit of 100kW provided for -......