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Industry News
Sutton licence hit over maintenance • by Mike Jewell Leading Hazahern haulier Suttons has had the authorisation on its Operator's Licence cut after a public enquiry heard its......
Stan's Fan Club
• Haulier Stan Robinson is about to launch his own fan club which will operate "on similar lines to Eddie Stobart's". From the beginning of 2000 everyone who joins the club will......
Truckstop Complaints
• BP Truckstops has promised "Things have deteriorated to improve its network following rapidly," he says. "RP has got a a series of complaints about captive audience and knows......
Irish Fuel Scam
A petrol station in Northern Ireland has been selling rebated "green" diesel direct from its pumps at 55p/lit. Customs officers discovered 18,000 litres of green diesel in the......