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Easy-to-install Bolts Resist Vibes
• Its new range of Huckbolt fasteners, the metric MHP series, combines superior tensile strength with faster, more precise installation, claims Huck-United Kingdom. Only visual......
'radical' Way To Dry Air Stream
• Moisture, dirt and excessive oil in the air stream, with the immediate risk of freezing and, longer-term, of corrosion and wear, pose a threat to the safe-working of......
Conversion Opens Door
• Whiteacres is converting 10 Volkswagen LTs to provide a nearside loading door. Four are for Nottingham City Council and the others for Epping Forest District Council. The......
Compressed Air Cutters
• A wide range of metals can be cut with two new manuallyoperated air plasma machines from Stubs Welding. The larger, the PLASMA 850, custs through steel up to 30mm thick. The......
Bright Paint That Doesn't Give A . . .
• Graffiti eradication specialist Graffiti Management has come up with a shining bright paint finish for commercial vehicles. It was originally developed to protect plastic......