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Near Railhead
• Invicta Trucks, the Ford heavy truck dealer in east Kent, is opening a new dealership in Ashford. near the Channel Tunnel railhead. It is due to open in April. Contact:......
£1.2m Investment
▪ Renault Trucks Essex is to open in West Thurrock this summer. Parent company Renault Truck Commercials will invest £1.2 million in the new dealership 1.5 miles from junction......
Exhall Centre
• A new MAN centre in the Midlands has opened at the Grovehall Estate in Exha11. It will offer a full service including 24-hour breakdown recovery. Contact (0203) 360606.......
Rate Deal
• The Forum of Private Business has arranged a special deal for businesses who feel their rating revaluations are too high. Owners can get a free appraisal from surveyor Montagu......
Downtime Saver
• Compair's distributor Motivair has introduced two customer services aimed at saving plant downtime. Protect Air covers plant regularly serviced by Motivair and gives access to......
Parcels Costs
• A recent survey suggests that some firms are charging U p to 23 times more than other companies for the same overnight service. The Rolben Consultancy, a specialist in......
Labels Made Clear
• The Health & Safety Executive has a new free leaflet Read the Label explaining the importance of reading the labels on packaged chemicals. Contact USE Books, PO Box 1999,......
Control Auestion
• The Road Haulage Association's TipCon exhibition and convention for the tipper sector will be held in Harrogate on 28-30 April. Guest speakers will address contentious legal......
A 24-hour Security Guard Did Not Stop Al Hay Transport's...
2500 being stolen from the Harrow Civic Centre car park in Middlesex. The white truck, signwritten Transend—a customer of AlIday Transport—was last seen by the security guard at......
Fta At Belfry
• The national conference of the Freight Transport Association will be held at the Belfry, Wishaw on 1-2 March. Fees, excluding accommodation, are £395 (ex-VAT). Contact (01675)......
Pondering Pollution
• A seminar on the issues raised by the Royal Commission on Environmental Pollution will be held by the SMMT in London on 22 March. Contact 0171-235 7000.......
• A new conference focusing on the controlled temperature distribution market will take place on 6 April at the Centennial Centre, Edgbaston in Birmingham. Run jointly by......
Varied Programme
• A three-day programme of seminars is being staged from 24-26 April by the SIVIMT in conjunction with ReMIT, the automotive trade's leading training body. Run during the......
• North Sea Ferries has announced the introduction of a roll-on roll-off service between Middlesbrough (Teesport) and Rotterdam (Europort) from 1 March. It will initially......