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Electric Tractor To Replace Horses
T HE first of a fleet of 1-ton electric tractors designed and built with the co-operation of British Railways by Scott Electric Vehicles, Ltd., Green Street, Kidderminster, is......
New Bill To Amend Lighting Acts
A BILL to amend the Road Transport Lighting Acts, 1927 and 1945, has been presented to Parliament. It proposes that the Minister Of Transport should be empowered by regulation......
C.i.e. To Put Up Charges Uigher Charges Will Be Imposed
by Coras Iompair Eireann on February 2. They are expected to yield an extra £585,000 a year. This, however, will be insufficient to meet greater running costs, and service......
Exports R Ise Slightly
n URING November last, commer cial-vehicle exports reached 9,650 units, valued at £6.2m., figures which showed a slight improvement on those for the previous month. The average......