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'break Even' Target For Nbc
• The National Bus Company is to aim for an average surplus of £8m this year and next—profits which should enable it to break even. Announcing this in the Commons, Mr. Fred......
Textile Towns' Holiday List
• Likely to be of particular interest to coach operators is the latest official list of 1970 summer and autumn holiday dates fixed by nearly 100 North West towns with a total......
Road Scheme Leaps By £580m
• The GLC is to slow down its road programme by 10 years, it was announced on Wednesday. The cost of building London's motorway and secondary road network is now estimated at......
Strachans' New Side-loading Welfare Bus
• To allow disabled passengers in wheelchairs to be more easily and safely loaded and unloaded to and from a welfare bus, Strachans (Coachbuilders) Ltd., Hamble, Hants, has......