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Brs Parcels Move N Ext Monday (july 26) Brs Parcels Ltd.
will move their headquarters' office to: Centre Heights, 137 Finchley Road. Swiss Cottage, London, NW3 (Tel.: JUNiper 2211. Telex 22571). The office will be connected to the BRS......
New Irish Roll-on T He New British Railways...
between Holyhead and Dun Laoghaire (Eire) was inaugurated on Monday when the 3,800ton vessel "Holyhead Ferry 1" made her maiden voyage. The ferry will be in service until......
Pointer London Office: The Pointer Group Of Norwich Has...
a London office for its Continental road services at 19 Norton Folgate, Bishopsgate, El (Tel: Bishopsgate 1795/6. Telex: 263861). Office manager is Mr. E. S. Moreton,......
Road Haulage—the Tuc View
T HE Trades Union Congress has welcomed the acceptance by the National Board for Prices and Incomes of the need to strengthen the structure of the road haulage industry and to......
Blox Services Introduce Mercedes
D IFFICULTIES which they say have combination gives the vehicle a top road been experienced with British vehicles speed of 45 m.p.h. at 2,800 r.p.m. are given as one of the......
Tall Thinking: The Long - Term Plans For Development Of...
town centre provide for an overhead service road to rear entrances of premises. Ferrymasters Expand: International carriers, Ferrymasters Ltd. of London, are to operate in West......
The Rat
O R THE JOB a closer look, especially at After the rates rumpus, Frank Burravoe takes After the rates rumpus, Frank Burravoe takes contract work Ti E dispute between the Prices......