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Pre-pack Deal For Hull’s Das Transport
By Chris Tindall A HULL-BASED haulage company has escaped closure after it was sold to its director in a pre-pack deal. DAS Transport (Hull) is the successor to DAS Transport......
Kane Haulage Fined £11,700 For Electricity Safety Breach
KANE HAULAGE has been fined £11,700 after it carried out demolition work on buildings while electricity supplies remained live. In a Health and Safety Executive (HSE)......
Mercedes Unveils Mog Frog For Its 60th Birthday Bash
AS PART OF ITS celebration of the 60th anniversary of the Unimog, Mercedes-Benz has unveiled this concept vehicle. Inspired by the South American poison dart frog, the Unimog......
242 Diabetic Drivers Lost Their Licence In Last Three Years
MORE THAN 240 diabetic drivers have had their vocational driving licence revoked in the last three years alone, according to oficial igures. The data, released under the Freedom......