23rd March 1979, Page 24
23rd March 1979
Page 24

Page 24, 23rd March 1979
Mitsubishi's Mini-tipper Fills New Market Slot
THE MITSUBISHI 1200 one-tonne pick-up exhibited last year at the NEC is now available on the British market. It fills a market niche which is not at present contested by any......
Simple Welder
A SIMPLE-to-operate porta arc welder has been int duced by ESAB. Called the THG 140, weighs just 24kg (531bs) z can be used anywhere in workshop or on site wh , there is a......
Limited-height Hoist
A NEW RANGE of Yale hand-operated chain hoists is launched in the UK this week by the Materials Handling Division of Eaton Ltd. The German-made range — from 500 to 5,000kg — has......