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D-day 'chaos'
THE LIKELY game of cat-and-mouse over service registration in the run-up to deregulation worried county council transport coordinators last week. A conference organised by the......
Cummins B-series Trial
THE FIRST Cummins B-Series engine to be installed in a bus in Europe has begun a sixmonth field trial with Coras lompair Eireann, the Irish semistate-owned transport company.......
Merit Grants
GOVERNMENT transport grants to local authorities for public transport projects in future will apply only to "major new schemes of exceptional merit", Department of Transport......
Too Old Over 65
TRAFFIC Commissioners will in future have to retire at 65, rather than at 70, the Government has agreed. Junior Transport Minister David Mitchell accepted an amendment to the......
Hestair Boost
HESTAIR Duple's profitability at Blackpool should receive a boost following the announced reorganisation of the Hestair Group special vehicle division (see p4). In addition to......
Budget Kind To Busmen
MOANS a that 3.5p increase in the price of dery will exacerbate problems for coach operators caused by the already spiralling fuel prices have been tempered by sighs of relief......